# File

The file classification is given to the following types:

# File

  label="Select your documents to upload"
  help="Select one or more PDFs to upload"
Select one or more PDFs to upload

# Image

  label="Select an image to upload"
  help="Select a png, jpg or gif to upload."
Select a png, jpg or gif to upload.

# How it works

File inputs perform their upload function before your FormulateForm @submit handler is called. This is an opinionated approach to reducing the complexity of building forms across your project(s) by having a single (or small number of) endpoint that performs the upload and storage of any/all files. This allows your back end submission handlers to only deal with pure JSON results, and ensures a clean and concise API for authoring forms on the front end. It also aligns well with developers who use services like S3, Cloudinary or ImgIX.

Form submission control flow diagram

The following diagram explains the submission flow of a form that includes file uploads in Vue Formulate.

Submission control flow

# Uploader

Inputs in the file classification are all used to upload data to a server. Because of this, they require additional configuration to work properly. An uploader must be defined before file inputs are supported.

Vue Formulate with S3 and Lambda

Better uploads with Vue Formulate, S3, and Lambda

A practical guide to improving file uploads with Vue Formulate, AWS S3, and AWS Lambda.

# Axios

The easiest configuration is to provide an instance of axios (opens new window).

import VueFormulate from 'vue-formulate'
import axios from 'axios'

const axiosInstance = axios.create({
  baseURL: 'http://www.your-upload-server.com'

Vue.use(VueFormulate, {
  uploader: axiosInstance,
  uploadUrl: '/upload'

# Custom uploader

If you prefer to roll-your-own upload mechanism, you can provide a function as the uploader. The function will receive 4 arguments:

  • File object to upload
  • progress callback, expects 0-100 percentage return value
  • error callback to call when the upload fails. Accepts a string error message argument.
  • options The full VueFormulate global options (includes options.uploadUrl).

The uploader function must always return a Promise. async functions are a good option for doing this automatically.

import VueFormulate from 'vue-formulate'

Vue.use(VueFormulate, {
  uploader: async function (file, progress, error, options) {
    try {
      const formData = new FormData()
      formData.append('file', file)
      const result = await fetch(options.uploadUrl, {
        method: 'POST',
        body: formData
      progress(100) // (native fetch doesn’t support progress updates)
      return await result.json()
    } catch (err) {
      error('Unable to upload file')

The uploader can also be defined directly on a FormulateInput instance:


export default {
  methods: {
    async uploadFile (file, progress, error, option) {
      // ... perform upload

The result from the server should be a simple JSON array of objects in the format:

  "url": "/absolute/path/to/filename.png"

While each result can certainly include more details than the url property, it is the only required value. It can be a fully qualified URL or a path. If it's an image it should work as the src attribute for an <img> tag.


If you prefer to use a different property than url you can change that by setting the fileUrlKey option when registering Vue Formulate.

# Faux uploader

Vue Formulate ships with a fake uploader function that advances the progress bar but performs no requests. This is helpful for scaffolding and theming, but it must be replaced for uploads to work.

If you don't need uploading at all (you're processing elsewhere) you can disable the fake uploader by replacing it with a dummy function:

Vue.use(VueFormulate, {
  uploader: function (file, progress) {
    // optionally handle the `file` for your own purposes here...
    return Promise.resolve({})

# Setting initial values

Setting the initial value of a form that contains an uploaded file is as simple as giving it an array of objects containing urls. This will populate the form element, and return the same url in the payload, but wont re-upload.

      url: '/path/to/document.pdf', // url is required
      name: 'employment-offer.pdf' // name is optional
  • employment-offer.pdf

# Mime types

When setting an initial file value, like the example above the file extension in the URL is used to re-create the mime type of the file. Vue Formulate contains a very limited map of extensions to mimes (to keep the package size small). Typically this doesn't cause any issues, but if you are using the mime validation rule and the file extension is not included in the map it may fail validation. You can easily add your own extensions/mime types to the Vue Formulate instance.

Vue.use(VueFormulate, {
  mimes: {
    mp3: 'audio/mpeg'

# Upload results with FormulateForm

When using a FormulateForm a successful submission will perform an upload on all files in your form which have not already been uploaded (upload‑behavior can be set to live or delayed). The resulting upload will return the string path provided by your server.

      label="Your name"
      label="Your avatar"
      label="Save profile"

export default {
  methods: {
    async sendData (data) {
      // (in the demo we show the data object at this point)
      // Send data to your server
      await this.$axios.put('/profile', data)

The submit handler above will be called only after Vue Formulate has uploaded any FormUpload instances (file values) in the form data. Here's an example of the above code:



If you prefer to handle the form submission manually you can listen to the submit-raw event on FormulateForm which returns an instance of FormSubmission, read more about FormulateForm.

  "name": "Jon Doe",
  "avatar": {
    "url": "/your/upload/directory/avatar.jpg"

Safari and the `FileList` object

HTML file inputs use a FileList (opens new window) object to track what files are currently attached to the input. The FileList is an immutable object so adding/removing additional files is impossible. To get around this limitation when a file accepts [multiple] files, Vue Formulate uses its own internal FileUpload (opens new window) object to track mutations. The FileUpload does its best to keep the FileList accurate by using a DataTransfer (opens new window) object to create new a FileList on each add/remove event — however the DataTransfer constructor is not supported in Safari. This doesn't matter if you are using the recommended approach of uploading files with Axios or an uploader function since FileUpload tracks these changes for you, but if you're relying on the native FormData constructor your results will not include mutations made to the FileList in Safari.

# Upload results with v-model on FormulateInput

If your use case does not call for a full form, you can directly bind to the FormulateInput and upload the file manually:

      Upload the file

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      document: false
  methods: {
    async uploadFile () {
      if (this.document) {
        try {
          const path = await this.document.upload()
        } catch (err) {
          alert('Error uploading')


If the file has already been uploaded (like when using the default upload‑behavior of live) the FileUpload.upload() method will not cause a duplicate upload, but rather return the resolved path.

# Props

File inputs use the default props, as well as the following classification specific props:

Prop Description
accept This is standard HTML (opens new window), but helpful when trying to upload files of a certain type.
add-label The label of the + Add File button, or false to disable the add button all together.
image‑behavior preview or file - For an input type image, the default is preview where a thumbnail of the image is shown.
prevent‑window‑drops true by default, this prevents the browser from navigating to a file when the user misses the dropzone.
uploader function or axios instance (opens new window) - Mechanism used to perform upload. Defaults to the globally configured instance.
upload‑behavior live or delayed - Determines when the file is uploaded. Defaults to live, which uploads the file as soon as it is selected.
upload‑url URL to perform a POST request which overrides the configured default.

# Events 2.5

File inputs use the default events, as well as the following classification specific events:

Event name Description
file-upload-progress Emitted when the uploader updates the progress of a file upload. The payload is a progress integer (0-100).
file-upload-complete Emitted when a file has completed it's upload. The payload is the file object.
file-upload-error Emitted when the error function of the uploader is called during the upload process. The payload is the error itself.
file-removed Emitted when a file is removed from the FileList. Payload is the internal array of files.

# Slots 2.5

The file classification has some unique slots (and matching Slot Components):

Slot name Description
file Responsible for rendering a single file of the file input. When the input type is multiple this slot will be rendered multiple times.
The context object in this slot includes a file object and a imagePreview boolean.
uploadAreaMask Responsible for adding content or styles in the uploadArea when there are no files.
The context object in this slot includes a hasFiles boolean.

# Custom class keys

In addition to all global class keys following are available:

Key Default Description
uploadArea .formulate-input-upload-area The dropzone area wrapper for an upload.
uploadAreaMask .formulate-input-upload-area-mask An additional element positioned immediately after the <input> to be used for styling the dropzone.
files .formulate-files A wrapper around a list of files.
file .formulate-file A single input file.
fileAdd .formulate-file-add The + Add File button for [multiple] file inputs.
fileAddInput .formulate-file-add-input The + Add File <input> element (normally hidden).
fileName .formulate-file-name The element responsible for outputting the name of the file.
fileRemove .formulate-file-remove The element responsible for removing an existing file.
fileProgress .formulate-file-progress The outer wrapper for the progress bar.
fileProgressInner .formulate-file-progress-inner The inner progress indicator. Width is automatically set as a percentage of upload completion.
fileUploadError .formulate-file-upload-error The file upload error displayed for each incorrect file.
fileImagePreview .formulate-file-image-preview The wrapper around the img preview.
fileImagePreviewImage .formulate-file-image-preview-image The img preview element.